Every month markets pop up across the Sutherland Shire that cater for a range tastes and interests. Here is a list of markets where you can pick up the perfect gift, souvenir or a bite to eat while you're in the area.
Shire Farmers' Market
Held every Saturday rain, hail or shine from 8am to 1pm in the Flora Street car park Sutherland (behind Sutherland Entertainment Centre). For more info and stall bookings call 0431 769 103 or go to shirefarmersmarket.com.au.
Caringbah Markets
Held on the last Sunday of every month (2nd Sunday in December) from 7am to 1pm in the Council Car Park behind McDonald's, Kingsway & President Ave, Caringbah. For more info and stall bookings call 0458 768 279 or go to caringbahmarkets.com.au.
Como River Markets
Held on the second Sunday every month (excluding January) from 9am to 2pm at Como Public School, 1 Genoa Street, Como. For more info and stall bookings call 0416 350 116 or go to comomarkets.com.au.
Bundeena Saltwater Market
Held on the first Sunday of the month from 9am to 2pm in Summer Reserve, 1 Brighton Street Bundeena. Featuring products from several local artists and natural product suppliers, as well as fresh baked bread, specialty cheeses, and home made jams and chutneys. For more info and stall bookings email info@bundeenamarkets.com or go to bundeenamarkets.com.
Gourmet Outdoor Kitchen
Held on the first Friday of the month from 4pm to 9pm in Engadine Town Square. This night market offers unique and culturally diverse food to be enjoyed by visitors. For more info and stall bookings 0404 015 322 or go to gourmetoutdoorkitchen.com.au.
Engadine Community Markets
Held on the first Sunday of the month (excluding January) from 8am to 1pm in Engadine Town Square. Run by Engadine Public School these markets are a great little treasure that have been operating for close to 30 years. For more info and stall bookings call 0435 087 919 or go to facebook.com/engadinecommunitymarkets.
My Kids Markets NSW - Sutherland
Held throughout the year at the Sutherland Sharks Basketball Stadium in Rawson Avenue Sutherland. The premier market to source excellent quality pre-loved kids and baby items by popular brands with huge savings. For more info and stall bookings go to mykidsmarketnsw.com.au.
My Kids Markets NSW - Sutherland
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